Saturday, March 26, 2011

John Walker Responds to My Inquiry of...the Little Rock Rock School Board? (Then I to Him/Them)

I heard from one board member, Jody Carreiro (Zone 4) after my inquiry, but received no definitive answer from the full board and/or its spokesperson regarding the district's policy on taking positions on proposed legislation.

I did, however, receive the following from Representative John Walker, whom I referenced but did not include in my email to the board.
Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 7:12 PM
Dear Mr. Newton:
I am informed that you believe that I "recklessly or deliberately mischaracterize[d] [you], [your] motive and [your] initiated bill."  I understand that you also suggest that Mr. Heller and I were working in concert to oppose your bill. Because I respect parents and citizens in this city, I write this reply on my own behalf to you:
1) I was not informed that you were the progenitor of HB 1551 and HB 2140. 
2) I did not know you but came to learn that you worked for the Chamber of Commerce.  You informed me that this was not true.
3) I had informed the committee that I wanted to speak against the Hyde bills. I did likewise with Representative Hyde. He indicated to me that he may pull the bills and on that representation, I did not come to the session until I was informed that he was running them anyway. Undoubtedly, you insisted on them having been run when they were.
4) I am not aware of any advocacy from you regarding school elections nor have I received any information that would allow the conclusion that you have reached out to me and individuals concerned about board elections with whom I have worked for the past five years. Had you done so, I would have welcomed your discussions even though we probably would not agree because of my unalterable position that the children in greatest need of good education and good facilities are at the top of the priority list for having their needs remedied.  
5) Since I don't know you personally, I could not mischaracterize you on the basis of factual information.  It was my understanding that you were e pluribus unum with respect to prioritizing new construction in west Little Rock near the new Roberts school rather than where the bulk of free and reduced lunch children reside, i.e., central, south and southwest Little Rock.
6) Mr. Heller and I did not work in concert to oppose the bill. He and I share a few things in common such as wanting good education for our children but he and I have clashed over the demographic parameters of this school district's redistricting. 
Finally, I am sure you are aware that I am a Legislator, that you know who I am and that I am fiercely protected of the interests of disadvantaged children, especially those who were disfavored by the school district's contemptable disregard of the promised use of the last bond money voted upon by the citizens of the community.  Rather than strengthen the disadvantaged schools as promised in the bond issue, the district used those funds to build Roberts and then to open it essentially as a school for affluent upper income children of a different race.          
If you ever want to call me, my phone numbers are 374-3758 and 240-7429.  I welcome you efforts to strengthen the schools of Little Rock so that every school can become equal in reality as well as perception.
John W. Walker
This is my initial response to Mr. Walker:
Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 8:24 PM

Mr. Walker,

I am on vacation with my family, but will respond in full to your email and each of your points at a later time.

Meanwhile, I don't know if they record the committee, but I'll check to see if there is a transcript.

In your appearance before the committee, you characterized my actions as those of a representative of the Chamber of Commerce, that the bill was about dissatisfaction with the racial make-up of the board, and that it was all about getting a new middle school in West Little Rock. All are false.

Afterward, I personally challenged your characterizations as false, and you said you called me. I said you didn't. You said you left a message. I said you didn't. You said you spoke to my assistant. I asked who. And after a moment, you said Jay Chesshir. I told you Mr. Chesshir is my employer.

I understand you had a lengthy conversation with him on Monday regarding the bill, even though he nor the Chamber initiated it.

The only rational explanation I could find for your words were reckless or deliberate. I'll gladly welcome your description as to why you misled or misspoke to your colleagues.

Please know, despite our rough start, I appreciate your reaching out to me and look forward to working with anyone advocating for the immediate education of all students.

I believe the current state of our public education is the greatest local/state emergency of our times, requiring immediate triage to ensure all students are fully served.

I am anxious to work with anyone who shares that urgency.


Gary Newton
Then, on Saturday, I responded in full.
Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 5:14 PM
Mr. Walker,

As promised, here is my full response to your email of March 23rd. I've cc'd members of the Little Rock School Board because you did.

Mr. Walker
I am informed that you believe that I "recklessly or deliberately mischaracterize[d] [you], [your] motive and [your] initiated bill."  I understand that you also suggest that Mr. Heller and I were working in concert to oppose your bill. Because I respect parents and citizens in this city, I write this reply on my own behalf to you:

I did not suggest that Mr. Heller and you were working in concert to oppose the bill. I wondered, so I asked so I would know the facts, instead of reaching and acting on an incorrect conclusion.

Mr. Walker
1) I was not informed that you were the progenitor of  HB 1551 and HB 2140.

On March 8th and again on March 11th, I wrote you (, along with your 99 fellow legislators, seeking your co-sponsorship, support or neutrality on HB 2140. I also asked that if you were opposed, you would share your concerns with me so I could address them publicly. You never responded.

Mr. Walker
2) I did not know you but came to learn that you worked for the Chamber of Commerce.  You informed me that this was not true.

I addressed this in my previous correspondence. I did not inform you that I did not work for the Chamber of Commerce. I informed you that I was not representing the Chamber in my actions and that Jay Chesshir (president and CEO) is not my assistant, as you described, but my employer.

Folks will believe what they want, but if Mr. Adams can speak for himself and not Arkansas Children's Hospital or Dr. Mitchell for herself and not Philander Smith College, I, as a citizen and father, should be afforded the same consideration.

Mr. Walker
3) I had informed the committee that I wanted to speak against the Hyde bills. I did likewise with Representative Hyde. He indicated to me that he may pull the bills and on that representation, I did not come to the session until I was informed that he was running them anyway. Undoubtedly, you insisted on them having been run when they were.

One bill, HB 1551, which would have changed the school election date from low voter turnout September to the more inclusive Primary, was pulled for study. While that was not my preference, as a citizen, I had/have no power to insist on anything. As for HB 2140, I simply shared with Representative Hyde that if it were pulled, we would not have another chance to address the issue until the next census in 2020. While I am pleased he chose not to pull it, I regret that it did not get an up or down vote on Do Pass or Do Not Pass. In my opinion, sending a time-sensitive bill to interim study allowed committee members to not go on the record with their positions.

Mr. Walker
4) I am not aware of any advocacy from you regarding school elections nor have I received any information that would allow the conclusion that you have reached out to me and individuals concerned about board elections with whom I have worked for the past five years. Had you done so, I would have welcomed your discussions even though we probably would not agree because of my unalterable position that the children in greatest need of good education and good facilities are at the top of the priority list for having their needs remedied.

See No. 1 above. I first began posting, emailing and seeking legislative sponsors for a proposed Public School District Accountability Act on March 1st. When I was led to a sponsor (Representative Hyde) who was already down the road with one of the five proposed measures (recall) and willing to include three more, I wrote you and your fellow legislators. When legislators, not including you, responded that they were opposed, I did my best to address their concerns. When I found opposition on advocacy groups' websites, as I did with the Arkansas Education Association, I engaged their leadership, as I did with Rich Nagel and Donna Morey of the AEA.

As for not reaching out to "[you] (even though I did twice) and individuals concerned about board elections with whom [you] have worked for the past five years," here's what I wrote the board: "Over the past few weeks, I have been deliberately public and transparent in my advocacy for these and other measures. I've reached out to opposed groups and individuals in attempts to address concerns, recognizing that most folks have the ends in common, even when disagreeing on the means."

It was not my intent, nor my responsibility to reach out to everyone who could potentially oppose my proposed legislation, but rather to respond to those I knew were opposed. My goal was to pass two bills. My time was better spent seeking support than opposition.

Mr. Walker
5) Since I don't know you personally, I could not mischaracterize you on the basis of factual information.  It was my understanding that you were e pluribus unum with respect to prioritizing new construction in west Little Rock near the new Roberts school rather than where the bulk of free and reduced lunch children reside, i.e., central, south and southwest Little Rock.

You did not mischaracterize me, my motives or my bill on the basis of factual information. You did so, in your own words, based on your understanding, which was flawed.

Just because one has an understanding does not make one's understanding factual.

I am "e pluribus unum" - from many, one - with all students of the district, particularly those with no advocates.

Mr. Walker
6) Mr. Heller and I did not work in concert to oppose the bill. He and I share a few things in common such as wanting good education for our children but he and I have clashed over the demographic parameters of this school district's redistricting.

Good to know. Again, that's why I asked the board, instead of jumping to conclusions.
Mr. Walker
Finally, I am sure you are aware that I am a Legislator, that you know who I am and that I am fiercely protected of the interests of disadvantaged children, especially those who were disfavored by the school district's contemptable (sic) disregard of the promised use of the last bond money voted upon by the citizens of the community.  Rather than strengthen the disadvantaged schools as promised in the bond issue, the district used those funds to build Roberts and then to open it essentially as a school for affluent upper income children of a different race.

Yes, I know you are a legislator. That's why I wrote you. Twice.

With 40% (over 10,000) of Little Rock School District students deemed not proficient in math, literacy and/or science, I do not see anyone of influence fiercely protective of their interests. Rather, I do see a fierce protection of the elected offices of incumbent school board members and district employees, to the detriment of those they are entrusted to serve.

Mr. Walker 
If you ever want to call me, my phone numbers are 374-3758 and 240-7429.  I welcome you efforts to strengthen the schools of Little Rock so that every school can become equal in reality as well as perception.

Considering that the only two communication experiences I have had with you - 1) your spoken words before your fellow legislators regarding HB 2140, and 2) your email to me and copied to the Little Rock School District Board - were riddled with inaccuracies, I would prefer to conduct any communication in writing so our words have proper back-up. Beyond that, I would welcome the opportunity to debate you and/or anyone else in the public forum of your choosing regarding the most urgent and immediate needs of the district.

In fact, last weekend, I concluded a lengthy exchange with Arkansas Times' Editor Max Brantley with the following:

"The people need honest discussion instead of preaching to respective choirs. That is why I challenge you and the Arkansas Times to join with El Latino, Hols! Arkansas, Stand! News, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and any other interested media in the district to host a series of community conversations (in all zones in the district) on how to best serve all our students. Not a town hall, but a real debate among those leaders advocating for specific change and those committed to continuation of the current system. I'll be your first volunteer."

I hope you'll be the second.


Gary Newton

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