HB 1551, which will change the date of school elections from the low voter turnout September election to the more inclusive Primary, will be discussed before the House Committee on Education today, March 17th, approximately :15 minutes after the House closes for the day (around 2:45/3:00 pm) in Room 138. By amendment by the sponsor, the provision for recall will not be included this session.
Also on the agenda is HB 2140, which will empower the people in zoned districts, not incumbent school boards, to determine by election how they will be zoned - 1) five zones, 2) seven zones, or 3) five zones and two at-large. It also will require zoned districts to abide by the directive issued by the Arkansas Department of Education and Arkansas School Board Association, in consultation with the Governor's office, Attorney General's office and Secretary of State's office, to hold all new school board elections after district zones are redrawn based on the 2010 census.
Both bills are sponsored by Representative Barry Hyde (D-40) and supported by Speaker Pro Tempore Bobby Pierce (D-19). Just yesterday, Representative Allen Kerr (R-32) wrote:
Both bills are sponsored by Representative Barry Hyde (D-40) and supported by Speaker Pro Tempore Bobby Pierce (D-19). Just yesterday, Representative Allen Kerr (R-32) wrote:
"I just wanted to let you know that I am happy to support your efforts to (give) parents more say in the makeup of their school zones. Rather than leaving the school board to make all of these decisions on their own time, I believe it is appropriate for parents to be able to take action. Also, moving the date of the school board elections to the...primary election should improve voter participation.
"...I am happy to vote for HB 2140, and I applaud your efforts and those of Rep. Hyde to increase parental action and improve education both in Little Rock and around Arkansas."
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