Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Things That Make You Go Hmmm...

I've tried several sources (Arkansas Attorney General's Office, State Department of Education, Arkansas Education Association, among others), but have yet to find definitive answers to the following. That said, I do believe I'm on the path of discovery, and will post the answers as I receive them.
  1. With unitary status and new census information, when will the Little Rock School District board zones be redrawn, who will do it, and what will be the process for electing board members to represent the new zones?
  2. For the 2010-11 school year, what number and percentage of Little Rock School District teachers are in the union?
  3. What percentage of union teachers is required for the union to retain its collective bargaining status?
Unfortunately, there may be those who will read adversarial intent into one or more of these questions (assuming anybody is actually reading this). If so, knock yourself out. My goal is sunshine for a representative governmental entity.

And for the record, I'm a 20+ year member of two unions. Unfortunately, there may be others who will read adversarial intent into that. Being a partisan is tough when you can't fit everybody into a box of preconceived notions.

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