In March 2010, after nearly a year of intensive work by a 14-member commission appointed by former Superintendent Dr. Linda Watson, a Strategic Plan for the Little Rock School District was released.
The Plan, subtitled "Target 2015: A Performance Work Plan for the Little Rock School District," identified actions that "must be taken" in six important areas:
- Ambitious, eye-popping goals;
- Research proven strategies for attaining our goals;
- Adequate and effective funding for our schools;
- Recruitment and retention of a high quality staff;
- Data and Accountability; and
- Effective, performance driven leadership.
One year later, even with a third-party consultant being paid tens of thousands of dollars to implement, the plan remains largely shelved.
Now, only four years remain to achieve the five-year goals outlined in the Plan.
Why? After hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent on the Plan and an implementation which hasn't occurred, the district waits, while students, parents and citizens wonder.
2011 Benchmark exams are coming up. Last year, over 40% were deemed not proficient in math, literacy and/or science, equating to over 10,000 students district wide. Another year has passed, leaving behind students, families and futures.
Contact your board member(s) today, and insist on immediate implementation of the Plan.
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